Home Garden

How to Get Scuff Marks Off of Plates

Over time, repeated use of utensils, stacking and unstacking, and loading and unloading dishes into a dishwasher or in a sink can cause scuff marks on dishes. These marks often look like gray streaks or marks and while removing the marks completely might not be possible, reducing the appearance is possible. Always handle dishes carefully and do not use abrasive cleaning products or steel wool pads on dishes as these may make scratches or marks worse.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-abrasive household cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • Clean cloths
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    • 1

      Apply a non-abrasive household cleaner to the dish and work the cleaner carefully onto the mark with a clean, damp sponge.

    • 2

      Rinse the dish well with warm water and dry with a soft towel.

    • 3

      Mix together baking soda and warm water to make a thick paste if the mark remains on the dishes.

    • 4

      Place the baking soda mixture on the marks and work in gently, and then let the baking soda mixture sit for several minutes.

    • 5

      Rinse the dishes thoroughly. Repeat the steps until the mark is reduced or removed from the dish.