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How to Bleach Areas of Clothes

Brand-new white shirt meets gooey cherry pie. Blue-and-white striped collar meets face powder. White, ruffled skirt meets tiny, chocolate-covered face. Whatever the stain and however it got there, you don’t need to bleach the entire garment to restore your white to bright. When the garment consists of a mixture of colors, you want to remove the stain from the white without removing the colors next to it. Whether you use regular bleach, color-safe bleach or a natural whitener, the trick is to bleach only the stained area.

Things You'll Need

  • Bleach
  • Spray bottle
  • White towel
  • Color-safe bleach
  • Baking soda
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  1. White Shirts Only

    • 1

      Mix 1 part bleach and 2 parts water in a spray bottle.

    • 2

      Fold a white towel and place it beneath the stain.

    • 3

      Spray the stain liberally and let it soak until the stain is no longer visible. Don't let it soak longer than 10 minutes. The longer bleach sits on fabric, the more likely it is weaken the fabric and cause holes.

    • 4

      Remove the towel and rinse the bleached area under cold, running water.Let the water run through the fabric rather than over the fabric.

    • 5

      Wash as usual.

    Color-Safe Bleach for Mixed Colors

    • 6

      Pour 1 tablespoon of color-safe bleach over the stain and massage it into the fabric with your fingers. Do not scrub the fabric together or you will cause the fabric to pill.

    • 7

      Let the color-safe bleach soak for 10 minutes.

    • 8

      Rinse the area lightly under warm water and examine the stain. If it has not disappeared, repeat Steps 1 and 2 again. Color-safe bleach is less powerful than regular bleach, so it might take longer to remove tough stains like wine, blood or tomato-based products.

    • 9

      Wash as usual.

    Baking Soda for Mixed Colors

    • 10

      Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the stain and wet the baking soda with enough water to create a paste.

    • 11

      Massage the baking soda into the stain and let it set for at least 10 minutes. For tough stains, leave the baking soda on the stain overnight.

    • 12

      Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your washing machine and wash the clothing as usual. The additional baking soda will help maintain bright whites without damaging colored clothing.