Home Garden

How to Remove Baked-on Oil From Glass Dishes

While necessary for cooking, oil tends to leave a nasty residue behind on glass dishes. Baked-on oil seems to borrow from a cockroach’s survival skills and is impervious to many traditional cleaning solutions. But oil does meet its match when a bit of baking soda is introduced. Where dish detergent fails, baking soda and water eat through baked-on oil and leave your dishes clean and residue-free.


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      Wet your glass dish with hot water. It’s unnecessary to submerge the dish in water; just make sure it’s wet by running it under a faucet.

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      Pour a small amount of baking soda on the baked-on grease. "Reader’s Digest" suggests using two tablespoons. If the grease spot is small, you may use less as long as the baking soda covers the spot entirely.

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      Let the baking soda sit on the dish for five to 10 minutes. Scrub each spot with a sponge and hot water. If the grease is not entirely removed, repeat the process once more.