Home Garden

How to Remove Oil From Wood

Wood creates a rustic and natural look within a home, and so is commonly used for flooring, furniture, molding and other applications. Most of these wood products are finished with a protective lacquer to guard against staining. However, all of the wood protection in the world can't prevent spills from occurring. To clean up oil from your wood products, act quickly and use the proper tools to remove oil without damaging the wood.

Things You'll Need

  • Rags or paper towels
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Protective gloves
  • Mineral spirits
  • 1 cup boiled linseed oil
  • 1 cup turpentine
  • 1/3 cup white vinegar
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      Blot up the spilled oil as quickly as possible using clean rags or paper towels. Do not rub, as this will work the oil into any unprotected area of the wood. Simply place the towels or rags over the stain and allow it to absorb the oil; switch rags and towels as necessary until you've blotted up as much as you can.

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      Mix hot water with liquid dishwashing soap until it forms suds. Soak a rag in the soapy water and wring it out so that it is damp but not soaked. Rub with the grain of the wood to remove oil that has started to sink in.

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      Wear protective gloves when working with chemical cleaners. Dampen a clean rag in mineral spirits, a solvent cleaner. The rag should be damp, but not dripping; excess water or cleaner can soak into the wood, causing further staining. Rub at the stain until you see the oil begin to disappear. Allow the cleaning solution to dry completely.

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      Inspect the stained area. Repeat rubbing with mineral spirits until the stain is gone completely. If the mineral spirits does not appear to have an effect on the oil stain, continue to the next step.

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      Mix 1 cup boiled linseed oil, 1 cup turpentine and 1/3 cup white vinegar into a bowl. Dampen a rag in this new cleaning solution and rub it onto the stain. Allow the mixture to sit on the stain for five minutes and then rub with the grain to remove all excess. Repeat as necessary until the stain is gone.