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How to Remove the Perfume Smell From Dry Clean Only Clothing

The perfume you wore the last time you wore a dry-clean only sweater still lingers in the fibers. Aside from the smell, the sweater is clean. Rather than pay for an unnecessary cleaning, remove the smell at home. Remove the smell as soon as you can to increase the chances of eradicating it without cleaning. The amount of time it takes to remove the smell depends on how heavy the scent is. A stronger perfume takes longer to remove than a lighter scent.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar
  • 1 cup water
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    • 1
      The air outside freshens the item.

      Place the item of clothing outside for three hours or by an open window for eight to nine hours.

    • 2

      Pour white distilled vinegar inside of a clean spray bottle. Dilute it with water if you are spraying something made of silk, cotton, rayon, acetate or triacetate.

    • 3

      Mist the garment. Do not soak it.

    • 4

      Hang up the item and allow it to air dry. The vinegar will remove the perfume smell.