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How to Clean & Remove Odor From an Antique Crochet Bedspread

Whether your antique crocheted bedspread is a family heirloom passed down through the generations or simply a vintage piece that you love, cleaning and removing odors from the fabric requires care and special techniques. Antique items develop a musty smell if stored in a damp location. Crocheted pieces are delicate due to their hand-woven threads, so an antique crocheted item requires even greater care to preserve its appearance and odor.

Things You'll Need

  • Laundry sink
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • Water
  • Oxygenated laundry detergent
  • 4 large bath towels
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    • 1

      Pour the vinegar into a laundry sink. Then fill the sink with cold water.

    • 2

      Put the bedspread into the sink and press down to saturate it in the vinegar-water solution. Move it around gently in the water. Avoid agitating the bedspread too aggressively as this can cause threads to loosen and snap. Just swirl it around. The vinegar neutralizes any musty, moldy odors.

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      Allow the bedspread to soak in the vinegar-water solution for one hour.

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      Drain the laundry sink. Refill it with fresh, cold water. Leave the bedspread in the sink.

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      Apply a capful of detergent to the laundry sink and mix in with your hand.

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      Squeeze and knead the bedspread in the soapy water to work the detergent deep into the crocheted fibers.

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      Allow the bedspread to soak in the soapy water for 30 minutes. This will freshen its fragrance and remove any lingering dirt.

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      Drain the sink and refill with fresh water. Press the blanket down into the sink to squeeze out the soapy water. Continue draining, refilling and pressing until the water runs clear. Avoid lifting the bedspread to wring it out as this can stretch and misshape the cloth.

    • 9

      Lay the bedspread out on two flat towels. Roll the bedspread up into the towels and press so that the towels absorb the moisture.

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      Lay two fresh towels down on the floor then spread the wet blanket over top. Leave the bedspread to air dry flat.