Home Garden

How to Store Items Underneath Mobile Homes

Most mobile homes do not offer a lot of extra storage space inside the home. Even with limited storage space indoors, the setup of a mobile home provides ample outdoor storage underneath the home. Keeping items underneath a mobile home is an option only if you have the correct supplies to make sure your items are not ruined by water or insects, two things that often infiltrate the underside of a mobile home.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic totes with lids
  • Heavy-duty duct tape
  • Shovel
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    • 1

      Check the plastic totes for any cracks before packing anything into them. If there is a crack in the plastic, the items you pack into the box will be susceptible to water and bug damage.

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      Pack items into the plastic box that will not be ruined by the temperature changes of your climate. Do not store any item that may melt in hot temperatures or freeze in the winter.

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      Put the lid on the box and make sure it fits snugly. If the lid is not secure, you must find a new lid or repack the items into another box with a well-fitting lid.

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      Apply duct tape along the edge of the lid and box. This extra step will help keep bugs from squeezing into the box along the small opening.

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      Remove a piece of skirting from the backside of the mobile home. Use a small shovel to remove any dirt blocking the piece before pulling it down and out to remove it from the rest of the skirting.

    • 6

      Stack the plastic boxes underneath the mobile home. Try to keep the boxes close to the edge of the mobile home to reduce the chance you will have to crawl under the home to retrieve them.

    • 7

      Replace the skirting by placing the top edge underneath the skirting lip and sliding it into place. Return any dirt you removed from in front of the skirting.