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The Care of Microfiber-Covered Furniture

Microfiber is a durable fiber that feels similar to suede and faux suede. Upholstery covers, blankets and bedding are only a few of the textiles that use microfiber, which is made up of nylon, polyester and rayon. Even if there is no stain-resistant coating, the density of microfiber allows most spills to bead on the top and prolongs the time it takes them to soak into the microfiber. Proper care will keep your microfiber furniture in top shape for as long as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Vacuum cleaner with brush attachment
  • Colorless dish soap
  • Soft cloth
  • Towel
  • Lint brush or roller
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      Brush the microfiber daily with a soft-bristled brush to remove any loose dirt. Brush with the grain of the fabric as much as possible.

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      Vacuum the microfiber once a week with the brush attachment to pick up embedded dirt and debris.

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      Mix a solution of water and colorless dish soap to tackle stains. Wet a soft cloth with the solution and rub stains and spills gently. Blot excess liquid off the microfiber with a towel.

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      Move your microfiber furniture so that it is not exposed to heat sources for long periods of time. This fabric is one of the least heat-resistant fabrics on the market today, so don't use warming drawers, heaters or other sources of heat right next to the microfiber.

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      Rub the microfiber with a lint brush or roll it with a lint roller daily to remove pet hair.