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How to Clean the Front of Rabbit Cages

Maintaining a clean cage for your animal is an important job for every rabbit owner. A clean living area will protect your rabbit from disease and prevent respiratory problems from a build up of urine and feces in the cage. You don't have to spend money on expensive cleaners to keep your cage clean. By using a few common household ingredients, you can have your rabbit's cage shining in no time.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Mild washing liquid
  • Cloths
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    • 1

      Take the rabbit out of the cage and place it in a safe area. Either have someone to look after the rabbit or place it somewhere it won't escape, like a bathtub. Dispose of the used sawdust or straw.

    • 2

      Inside the spray bottle, mix a couple of capfuls of vinegar in soapy water. Shake the mixture up and spray it onto the cage. Use cloths to break down any stubborn feces or dirt. The vinegar will corrode any dirt, and mixed with the soap, will also sanitize the cage.

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      Use plain soapy water (no vinegar) to clean the cage again. This will remove the unpleasant vinegar smell, which the rabbit won't like. Thoroughly dry the cage using clean cloths.

    • 4

      Reassemble the cage and add fresh sawdust or straw. Check that the cage is assembled properly and put the rabbit back inside.