Home Garden

How to Clean a Camper's Stove Burners

A clean camping stove works better than a dirty stove. Cleaning the burners regularly improves fuel efficiency and prevents corrosion. Although you can clean normal spill over with a damp rag and detergent after using the stove, remove grease and caked build-up inside the cage at least once a year or after each camping trip. Do not use oven or engine cleaner on your stove; harsh chemicals can damage the paint finish on the inside of the case.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Dish-washing liquid
  • Wooden toothpick
  • Canister of compressed air
  • Stiff-bristle brush
  • Rag
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      Remove the screw from the center of each burner with a screwdriver. Lift out the burner ring and overflow bowls to expose the manifold.

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      Clean out the manifold and the recess with dish-washing liquid and warm water. Rinse well with clean water.

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      Soak the burner rings and overflow bowls in warm water and a little dish-washing liquid for an hour. Clean out the burner holes with a wooden toothpick and scrub the burners and bowls clean with a stiff-bristle brush. Rinse well, blow the burner rings clear with a canister of compressed air and re-assemble the burners.

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      Empty the fuel tank and take your camping stove to a car wash after each camping trip. Remove the burners and overflow bowls. Clean out the dirt and grease build-up from inside the case with a high-pressure hose at the car wash. Wipe the whole stove down with a wet rag and dish-washing liquid. Rinse well and dry the parts before reassembling the stove.