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How to Disable a Home Alarm System

Locks are meant to keep honest men honest. Your home alarm system provides you with an added layer of security in the event of a home invasion, and a rapid reporting system in the event of a burglary. Even so, when you first enter your home, if you don't disable--usually called disarming--the alarm upon entry, you may receive a visit from the police. Fully disabling a home alarm is the first step when your system suffers a malfunction.

Things You'll Need

  • "Authorized entry" code
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    • 1

      Enter the building protected by the alarm system.

    • 2

      Press the keys on the alarm system keypad that correspond to the numbers in the alarm system's "authorized entry" code, in the order in which those numbers appear in the authorized entry code. If the "authorized entry" code is 1, 3, 2, 4, then press 1, followed by 3, then 2 then 4. After entering the code, press the "Enter" key on the alarm system keypad, if the key pad is equipped with an "Enter" key.

    • 3

      Unplug the power transformer--a black or gray box adjacent to the main alarm unit that provides the primary power source in the event that the system malfunctions. Remove the nut from one post of the back-up battery and lift one of the power leads from that post. This fully disables the alarm.