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How to Set Glass Into a Window Frame

Setting glass into a window frame is a common do-it-yourself project. Replacing a broken window pane is something that homeowners have to do from time to time. Once the old glass has been removed and the window frame -- the sash -- has been prepared, setting the glass is the last step to repairing your window. Small metal points called glazing points hold the glass in place. The window is sealed with a weather-tight glazing compound that provides a durable waterproof barrier around the glass.

Things You'll Need

  • Putty knife
  • Glazier's points
  • Wire brush
  • Replacement glass pane
  • Glazing putty
  • Glazing tool
  • Linseed oil
  • Exterior primer
  • Sash brush
  • Exterior paint
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      Place the window sash flat on a work surface with the exterior side facing up. Lay the replacement glass pane into the window sash opening and rest if flat against the wood. If you're replacing a window in a frame that you can't remove, first remove the broken glass by prying out the old putty and glazier's points with a putty knife. Smooth out the wood surface underneath the glass with a wire brush. Lay the replacement glass into the window opening and have an assistant hold it in place. Insert the glazier's points in the same way that you would if the window sash were laying flat while the assistant holds the glass in place.

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      Align a glazier's point in the center of each side of the glass window pane. Lay the flat part against the glass with the point towards the wood surrounding the window pane. Press the points into the wood surrounding the window pane with a putty knife.

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      Work the glazing putty in your hands into approximately 1/4-inch diameter cylindrical lengths that are long enough for each side of the window pane. Press the putty into the joint between the edges of the glass and wood surrounding the window pane with a putty knife.

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      Apply linseed oil to the edge of the glazing tool. Add glazing putty to the glazing tool and work it into the joint between the edges of the glass and the wood surrounding the window pane. Work the blade across the putty to create a smooth, angled edge of putty surrounding the window pane. The putty should slope downward from the edge of the sash down to the glass and cover over the glazier's points.

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      Allow the glazing putty to dry for at least 48 hours. Apply exterior primer over the glazing using a sash brush. Allow the primer to dry for at least four hours. Apply an even coat of exterior paint over the primer with a sash brush.