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How to Remove Wallpaper from a Sheetrock Wall

A layer of gypsum sandwiched between two pieces of paper make up the Sheetrock on the walls in most of today's homes. It doesn't take much to damage these walls, so you need to be extra cautious when removing wallpaper. Some wallpapers are nonporous and others aren't. Nonporous types must be perforated before the adhesive backing can be dissolved. Porous types don't require perforation. Each type requires the use of water and an adhesive remover. Steamers are extremely handy when removing nonporous wallpapers.

Things You'll Need

  • Wallpaper perforation tool
  • Wallpaper steamer
  • Putty knife
  • Adhesive remover
  • Dish rag
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      Roll a specialized perforation tool over the entire wall. This tool pokes tiny holes in the wallpaper without putting holes in the Sheetrock. If the wallpaper is a porous type, perforation isn't required. Regardless of type, perforation always helps the water and adhesive remover penetrate beneath the paper.

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      Steam the wall with the wallpaper steamer. Begin in one of the top corners of the room. The steamer will blow hot steam into the perforation holes. The steam will also help deactivate the wallpaper's adhesive backing. Hold the steamer on a spot for 20 seconds and then move it.

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      Peel the wallpaper away from the wall with a putty knife. Start in the corner and peel the wallpaper away from the wall where you've steamed it. Repeat this steaming and scraping process until all wallpaper has been removed.

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      Spray the wall with an adhesive remover and wipe the deactivated adhesive off with a dish rag.