Home Garden

How Do I Remove Bathroom Wallpaper?

Decorating with wallpaper was popular 40 years ago, but many homeowners buying homes that need updating are struggling with the aftermath. Removing wallpaper is a labor intensive job that can take days to finish, but the end result will be worth the effort. The key to successfully removing wallpaper in your bathroom is taking your time.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Vinegar or wallpaper removal product
  • Hot water
  • Spray bottle
  • Wide putty knife or wallpaper scraper
  • Sponge
  • Mild detergent
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      Put on gloves to protect your hands. If you are using vinegar, combine 2 cups vinegar with 2 cups very hot water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well to mix. If you are using a wallpaper removal product, follow the instructions on the label, and mix the product with the appropriate amount of water. Pour it into the spray bottle.

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      Spray a small section of your bathroom wallpaper with either the vinegar or the wallpaper remover. Saturate the paper well, then allow it to sit for about 20 minutes.

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      Respray the same area. Scrape off the wallpaper using a putty knife or wallpaper scraper. To make removing the wallpaper easier, you want to keep the wallpaper wet at all times, so respray the area frequently.

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      After the first section is completed, move on to another section of the bathroom wall. Spray, wait 20 minutes, spray again, and then begin removing the wallpaper. Continue to make your way around the entire bathroom until all the wallpaper is removed.

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      Remove residual wallpaper glue by spraying it with the vinegar or wallpaper remover, and wiping down the area with a wet sponge.

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      Mix 1 tsp. mild detergent in 2 cups hot water. Wet a sponge in the detergent solution, then wipe down all the bathroom walls to remove the vinegar or wallpaper remover. Start at the top of the walls and work your way down. Allow the walls to dry for several days before attempting to patch or paint them.