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How to Remove Wallpaper Border from a Plaster Wall

Removing a wallpaper border takes some elbow grease and extra care if applied to plaster walls, which can be prone to cracking, peeling or denting. How easily the paper comes from the wall depends on the adhesive used, the weight of the paper and how long the wallpaper border has been on the wall. There are several methods that weaken the adhesive, making the wallpaper border easier to peel or scrape off the wall.

Things You'll Need

  • Hair dryer
  • Steamer
  • Plastic scraper or razor blade
  • Bucket
  • Water
  • sponges or rags
  • liquid fabric softener
  • spray bottle
  • vinegar
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  1. Heat Methods

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      Hold a hair dryer on the high heat setting about 8 to 10 inches from the wallpaper. The heat from the hair dryer will warm and soften the adhesive. Concentrate the heat on one section on the bottom of the border until you can peel the paper from the wall.

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      A hair dryer can be used to remove a wallpaper border.

      Use a plastic scraper or razor blade to get under the paper easier and break the bond.

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      Start at the bottom and work your way up when using a steamer. Steaming uses moist heat to warm and soften the adhesive. As with the hair dryer, it is best to work in small sections when using a steamer.

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      Peel gently or use a scraper or razor blade to separate the paper from the wall. Plaster walls are vulnerable to chips and scrapes when wet, so use care not to damage the wall when using the scraper.

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      Allow plaster walls at least 24 hours to dry before painting.

    Wallpaper Stripper

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      You can use a commercially sold wallpaper stripper or make one from common household items. Mix one cap of liquid fabric softener with four cups water in a spray bottle.

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      Spray formula directly on the wallpaper border.

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      Wait a few minutes for the formula to soak through the wallpaper to the adhesive before peeling or scraping paper off the wall.

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      If the paper is not coming off the wall, you can soak the wallpaper border more thoroughly with the solution using a sponge or use straight fabric softener to further weaken the adhesive.

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      Allow the plaster wall 24 to 48 hours to fully dry before painting.


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      Another homemade wallpaper stripper is made by mixing three parts vinegar with one part water.

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      Apply with a spray bottle or with a sponge, soaking the paper and allowing time for it to soften the adhesive.

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      Use vinegar as a last option because it has a strong smell. Wipe down walls with a damp sponge to remove the vinegar from the wall.

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      Allow plaster walls 24 to 48 hours to dry.