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Mold Removal With a Negative Air Pressure Cleaner

Mold causes numerous health problems when trapped in indoor environments. In addition to exacerbating allergies, mold spores and their toxic counterparts, mycotoxins, cause asthma, sinusitis and other respiratory problems, and may weaken the immune system. Removing mold from indoor environments helps maintain optimal air conditions for the health of the building’s occupants. Air scrubbers are cleaning machines that use negative air pressure to remove mold and other potentially harmful agents from the air.
  1. Negative Air Pressure

    • Negative air pressure is effective in cleaning mold from an environment. Basically, negative air pressure occurs when an area maintains a lower air pressure than its surrounding areas. Because air always flows from areas of high pressure to low pressure, all of the airborne mold, dust and other harmful agents in a space travel to and get trapped in low-pressure regions created by negative air pressure. Using negative air pressure helps contain airborne mold for easy removal.

    Air Scrubber

    • An air scrubber is a machine that goes by many other names, among them air cleaner, air mover, clear air machine and negative air machine. Air scrubbers use negative air pressure to trap mold in a confined area. These machines generate negative air pressure by removing air from an environment, essentially by suction. As this suction pulls air through the air scrubber, the machine removes all mold and other hazardous agents in the air before recirculating it.

    HEPA Filter

    • A High Energy Particulate Air (HEPA) filter is essential when it comes to removing mold with an air scrubber. HEPA filters trap extremely small air particulates -- 300 times smaller than the width of a single human hair. When placed in negative air machines, these filters trap any potentially hazardous particles, including miniscule mold spores, moving through the machine. HEPA filters also prevent these particles from leaving the machine once trapped, effectively removing them from the environment.

    The Cleaning Process

    • The process of removing mold from an environment varies, depending upon the environment in question. Hospitals and other sterile environments, for instance, use negative air pressure cleaners to ensure maximum levels of clean air. Construction sites use air pressure machines to keep the air cleaner for workers. When removing mold from a contaminated environment, you must also remove potentially contaminated items from the space. This includes furniture, drywall, carpeting and other items that can harbor particulates. After removing these items, use a negative air cleaner to remove the remaining mold trapped in the air.