Home Garden

How to Paint Cement Roof Tiles

Cement roof tiles can last a lifetime and give color, texture and character to a home. Painting tiles is not necessary and won't seal the tiles against moisture or protect the tiles in any way. Nevertheless, some homeowners dislike the bland, natural color of cement. If you paint your cement roof, you will need to repaint it every five to 10 years.

Things You'll Need

  • Pressure cleaner
  • Painter's tape
  • Paper
  • Drop cloths
  • Clear alkyd primer
  • Foam paintbrush
  • Paint sprayer
  • 100-percent-acrylic exterior paint
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      Wash the roof with a pressure cleaner set to 1200 psi and a 10-percent chlorine solution to remove dirt, mildew and algae. Hold the cleaner's nozzle 2 feet away from the roof at a 45-degree angle as you spray.

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      Hose down the roof with regular water to rinse it.

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      Lay drop cloths on the ground around the house and cover trim, gutters and other areas you want to protect with painter's tape or paper.

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      Apply a coat of primer while the tiles are still damp. The primer will prevent the tiles from absorbing the paint, resulting in a more vibrant color. If using a paint sprayer, hold the nozzle 2 feet away from the roof at a 45-degree angle and move the nozzle from one end of the roof to the other in a series of horizontal lines. You can also paint the roof using a foam or nylon paintbrush, though this is quite time-consuming.

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      Allow the primer to dry overnight and follow with an application of acrylic paint.