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How to Paint a Cement Floor

Cement floors are found in many homes. Whether in the garage or a basement, the cold, gray appearance of cement only adds to the gloomy atmosphere of these often forgotten rooms in your home. Adding a coat of paint to your cement floor can brighten up your basement or make your garage feel brand new.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat litter
  • Baking soda
  • Broom
  • Mop
  • Cement filler
  • Paint roller
  • Primer
  • Paint brush
  • Flat latex paint
  • Painter's tape (optional)
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      Remove any grease from your cement floor by laying down a coating of cat litter and baking soda. These will work to absorb any grease or oil than may have dripped from your car or tools in the garage.

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      Sweep away the cat litter and baking soda mixture and check for any greasy areas that remain. These should then be treated more aggressively with a commercially available grease remover before you can begin painting.

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      Mop the cement floor to remove any dust or dirt that remains after sweeping. You will need to let the cement dry for at least 3 days before proceeding with your project.

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      Repair any cracks in the cement with a cement filler once the floor is clean and dry. The manufacturer's instructions will give you information about drying and curing times for the product.

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      Use a roller to apply a cement primer. This is a primer paint specially designed for cement floors and is necessary to help the top coat adhere to the cement.

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      Choose a high-quality flat latex paint for your cement floor. Since this is an area that sees a lot of traffic, you should use the best paint that you can afford to ensure that it lasts a long time.

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      Paint around the edges of the floor with a medium-sized brush. Then apply paint to the rest of the floor with a paint roller, starting from one corner of the room and working towards the exit. If you are working in a garage, the best strategy may be to work with the garage doors open, painting from the back of the garage to the front.

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      Create a decorative look by taping off a pattern to paint on the cement floor. You can do a variety of faux treatments imitating marble, tile or even the look of an area rug on your cement floor.