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How to Remove Superglue From Polyurethane

Polyurethane is a versatile synthetic resin that is a component of many products, including insulating foam, medical devices, clothing and furniture. Polyurethane is also frequently used in oil- or water-based varnishes applied as protective coatings to wood floors and furniture. Superglue is a strong, fast-acting glue with a chief ingredient of cyanoacrylate. Few solvents dissolve superglue; acetone, a common ingredient in nail polish remover, is the most readily available such product. Removing superglue from a polyurethane finish with acetone is difficult to do, however, because acetone, as it dissolves the glue, also softens and harms the finish. Superglue can be abraded from a polyurethaned surface without harming the wood beneath the finish.

Things You'll Need

  • Razor blade
  • Oil -- new motor oil, paraffin oil or boiled linseed oil
  • Abrasive--pumice, rotten stone or whiting
  • 600-grit wet/dry sandpaper
  • Old sock or nylon hose
  • 0000 steel wool
  • Clean, soft cloth
  • Lemon oil or furniture wax
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  1. Steps

    • 1

      Remove significant knobs of dry superglue from a surface finished with polyurethane varnish using a flat razor blade to carefully shave off the largest portion of the knobs.

    • 2

      Place a small amount of an oil -- new motor oil, paraffin oil or boiled linseed oil -- in a small container.

    • 3

      Place an abrasive material -- pumice, rotten stone or whiting -- in another small container.

    • 4

      Dip a sheet of 600-grit wet/dry sandpaper in the oil and then in the abrasive. Gently sand the shaved area, moving the sandpaper back and forth, following the grain of the wood.

    • 5

      Test the sanded area for rough spots by covering one hand with an old sock or nylon hose and rubbing lightly. Continue to sand any snags until they disappear.

    • 6

      Dip a pad of 0000 steel wool in the oil and then in the abrasive. Gently polish the entire surface with the steel wool, stroking back and forth with the grain until it looks uniform.

    • 7

      Wipe the entire surface with a clean, soft cloth.

    • 8

      Oil or wax the surface using lemon oil or furniture wax to bring back its shine.