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How to Get a Burn Out of a Linoleum Floor

Lighted cigarettes or matches often cause burn marks on linoleum floors if they are dropped while still hot. Burn marks are unsightly and are notoriously hard to remove from flooring. The best way to remove the burn mark is by using a patch and blending it in with the existing linoleum. Such a repair job takes little time and not many supplies.

Things You'll Need

  • Linoleum patch
  • Linoleum adhesive
  • Straight edge
  • Rolling pin
  • Utility knife
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Heavy object
  • Duct tape
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    • 1

      Place the linoleum patch on top of the burned area. This piece of linoleum can either be from a scrap pile you saved from the original installation, bought from the store if that particular tile is still available, or you can cut the piece from a nondescript location, such as from under an appliance. It is best to use a linoleum patch that is a couple of inches larger than the burned area you want to cover.

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      Move the patch around until the pattern lines up exactly with the existing linoleum. Use duct tape to keep the patch from moving once you have the patterns matched up.

    • 3

      Use a straightedge, such as a thick book or a ruler, to line up the edges so you can make a straight cut. Use a utility knife to cut a square in both pieces of the linoleum, depending on the size and shape of the burn mark. The cut area should be big enough to cover the burn spot with a little bit extra. The cuts should be vertical. Take care not to lean into the utility knife as this could cause a gap in the patch.

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      Remove both pieces of the linoleum and throw out the burned one.

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      Place the linoleum patch down in the now vacant spot and make sure it matches up perfectly with the existing floor covering. If it doesn't, you'll need to cut another piece.

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      Apply linoleum adhesive to the area where the patch will go. Apply the adhesive in the center of the spot and around the perimeter.

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      Set the piece down carefully and press down with your hands. Rub your hands over the patch to smooth it and squeeze out any excess adhesive. Use a damp cloth to remove the excess adhesive.

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      Use a rolling pin to smooth out any bubbles that may have come up in the linoleum.

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      Place something heavy over the patch while it dries. Check the label of the adhesive for the exact drying times.