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How to Stop Water from Coming Into a Basement

Draining water from a basement is never a fun task. The answer to solving this watery mess isn't as complicated as you might think. Here are the most common causes of basement flooding and how to prevent them.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean fill dirt
  • Shears
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      Clean out your gutters and make sure they aren't leaking. The water should flow smoothly through the gutters and out the end, safely away from your house. The most common cause of water leaking into the basement is caused by clogged or damaged gutters.

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      Measure the soil around the base of your house. It should slope downward for at least 4 feet from the base of the house outwards, at a slope of at least 6 inches. Add clean fill dirt to increase the slope of your house to help water run away from, not into, the basement.

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      Trim thick bushes and plants down so the soil can dry faster to prevent water from being trapped and leaking into the basement.

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      Check your plumbing. If it's not functioning properly, it could be leaking into the basement. Have it replaced or fixed if there is a problem.