Home Garden

How to Clear My Basement of Water

Water in the basement occurs during spring high-water events, after heavy rainstorms, or during plumbing failures. Removing the water is the first step to reclaiming the basement. The process requires some specialized equipment that may have to be acquired or rented. If the high-water event is widespread, these items may be in short supply.

Things You'll Need

  • Sump pump
  • Shop vacuum
  • Wood stool
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      Determine the cause of the water and if the soil outside the home is saturated. If the water is from a leaking internal pipe there is no water saturation outside the basement. If the water in the basement is from heavy rains or flooding, the soil outside the basement may be saturated. In this case the water in the basement exerts an outward pressure to counteract the inward pressure of the saturated soil. It may advisable to leave the water in the basement until the exterior soil begins to dry.

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      Pump water from the basement using either an electrical sump pump hooked to a power source outside the home or a gasoline powered pump. If you have water in your basement it may be impacting the fuse or breaker box which is also likely located in the basement. Lower the water by about one third each day and monitor the basement for structural damage. Extend the waste water hose as far as possible from the home.

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      Remove the final water in the basement, the small amounts the sump pump can't pick up, with a shop vacuum. Dump the water away from the home. Wash the walls and floors as soon as the water is removed. The mud and stains will be easier to remove while still wet.