Home Garden

How to Stop Water From Running Into the Garage

There are a few easy solutions to prevent water from running into your garage which won't require you to hire a contractor or purchase any expensive equipment. Water can sometimes seep into your garage beneath the garage door, as well as from any cracks or holes in the exterior walls. Debris can clog rain gutters both on your house and in your yard, which can lead to water accumulation around the base of your garage and even more leakage.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Weather stripping
  • Utility knife
  • Staple gun or screws and screwdriver
  • Work gloves
  • Ladder
  • Broom handle
  • Caulking gun
  • Silicone caulking material
  • Water repellent (sealant)
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      Measure the width of your garage door with a tape measure. Cut a piece of weather stripping to that size. Attach the weather stripping to the bottom of the garage door so that it forms a seal with the floor each time the door is lowered. Staple the weather stripping to the door with a staple gun, or screw the stripping into place.

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      Clean out the rain gutters and downspouts on your home. Put on a pair of work gloves and climb a ladder to gain access to the gutters. Pull out all of the debris inside the gutters. Use a broom handle to plunge and clean out the downspouts. Clogged gutters can cause rainwater to overflow and build up along the walls of the garage, which can lead to leaks and flooding.

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      Examine your exterior garage walls for any obvious cracks or holes. Load a caulking gun with silicone caulking material. Fill the cracks and holes with the silicone.

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      Spray or brush the outside walls of your garage with a high quality water repellents. This is especially helpful in preventing water seeping through brick or other types of masonry walls.

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      Clear any clogged rain drains or gutters in and around your yard. Clogged storm drains can cause water to back up into your yard and seep into your garage. Remove any leaves, sticks, snow, ice or any other debris that is covering the drains.