Home Garden

How to Drain a Flooded Basement

A flooded basement can be a nightmare. Flood water can cause significant damage to a home and its contents. Without special flood insurance, the damage from flooding isn't usually covered and leaves a significant financial burden on the homeowner. The first course of action to take if flooding has occurred is to adhere to safety guidelines concerning water and electricity.

Things You'll Need

  • Gas powered water pump
  • Hose
  • Gasoline
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      Ensure the source of the flooding has stopped. If there is ongoing flooding outside, the water will just seep back in if you start pumping water prematurely.

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      Before venturing into the basement, turn off all power. Do this by switching off the main breaker. The combination of water and electricity leads directly to electrocution.

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      Connect a hose to a gas-powered pump and switch it on. A gas powered pump is safer to use because you won't have to worry about the electrocution risks of an electric pump.

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      Pump out the water in increments. Pumping out water too fast can lead to structural damage. It's best to pump the water out over a couple days. If you notice the water rose since the previous pumping, it's because the soil is still water laden outside and water is still seeping in.

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      Finish pumping the water and then figure out where the water came in. Seek to resolve this problem before the next rain.