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How to Sanitize a Flooded Basement

All basements can flood. Even with the best drainage, the subterranean room may eventually accumulate water. Removing the water from the room is the first in many steps to sanitizing the area. Bacteria and mold can quickly grow if left unchecked. Once all water is cleared away, the walls and floors can then be sanitized. This sanitizing will reduce any mildew and mold growth, to make the basement habitable once more.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Buckets
  • Basement dehumidifier
  • Electric fans
  • Garden hose w/ sprayer attachment
  • Household bleach
  • Sprayer
  • Scrub brush
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    • 1

      Remove wet and soiled items from the basement area. This will include any furniture or stored items. Any material that can hold moisture will only delay the drying process of the basement. This also includes any wood paneling or drywall. Wall material such as this must be pulled from all walls if the material was under water.

    • 2

      Shovel out as much mud as possible by filling buckets. The sooner the mud can be removed, the more moisture can be removed from the basement. Mud will be easier to shovel while still wet.

    • 3

      Install a basement-rated dehumidifier. Basement dehumidifiers operate at lower temperatures and remove more moisture than a regular household dehumidifier. Place an electric fan at the head of the stairs. Blow the air downward to create circulation into the basement. The circulating air will dry things faster than stagnant air.

    • 4

      With a garden hose and spray attachment, hose down the walls to remove as much mud and debris as possible.

    • 5

      Mix a solution of 1 1/2 cups household bleach and 1 gallon of clean water. Pour the solution into the sprayer.

    • 6

      Begin at the top of the walls and apply the bleach solution liberally to all flooded surfaces.

    • 7

      Scrub the surfaces down with a scrub brush. Rinse with the garden hose and fresh water. Reapply the bleach solution. Continue to operate the electric fan and dehumidifier to remove moisture from the area.

    • 8

      Check for any signs of mold and mildew growth. The basement may begin to smell "musty" if mold or mildew begins to grow. Repeat Step 7 to sanitize the basement until no signs of mold or mildew are present. It may take several cleanings to thoroughly remove all debris and sanitize the area.