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Main Causes of a Wet Basement

As homes start to age, one of the first things to go is the waterproofing system. Even in homes that are not very old, issues can arise which cause wet basements and the causes will vary. A wet basement must be addressed promptly. Regardless of how severe it is, the problem will just get worse. A wet basement can lead to mold and even damage the foundation of the house.
  1. Leaks

    • In many homes, a cause of a wet basement is leaking. The floor or walls can both leak. This is especially the case with older homes. Surface water can run down foundation walls. One indication that the cause of the wet basement is a leak is that it will be increasingly wet after a rain shower.

    Sewer Water

    • A wet basement can be caused by the backup of storm sewer water into the foundation drain. The result can often cause health hazards, from bacteria and mold, as well as present expensive costs for proper professional cleaning. When the sewer water backs up into the home's foundation drain, it means that the home is connected to the municipal sewer system. If it is not connected, this is not the cause of a wet basement.


    • Condensation is a relatively common cause of a wet basement, especially during the summer. When the warm air cools down, it has to release moisture. In the basement, condensation occurs when that moist and warm air comes into contact with the cool basement walls. Droplets can form, creating the right environment for a damp or wet basement.


    • A natural disaster, such as a flood, can cause a wet basement. Depending on the severity of the flood, this can be two to three inches of water or it can be several feet of water. Once a basement has been damaged by flood water, it will take time, money and energy to restore it.