Home Garden

What Causes Basement Mold?

No matter how clean your home is, mold will find a way to establish itself if you're not careful. Typically found in basements, mold can cause harm to the structure of the home and the people living inside.
  1. Features

    • Mold survives by digesting organic material. This includes everything from wood to bread. Mold reproduces by releasing spores. These spores float in the air until they come in contact with a wet surface. Once attached, they will begin to digest the organic material and grow.


    • Molds occur naturally in the environment and can be brought into the home at any time. When a basement becomes wet for any reason, mold can attach to the wet surfaces and being to grow. Even small amounts of moisture in the air will enable the mold to attach.


    • Basements often fall victim to flooding after a bad storm or hurricane. Often the homeowners are unable to clear the water from the basement immediately, creating a perfect habitat for mold to thrive.


    • Not only can mold destroy wood and fabric in your basement, it can cause health problems. Allergic reactions are common to mold inhalation and contact. Asthma attacks can also result from mold.


    • When mold grows in your basement, it should be cleaned up immediately. Using bleach can help get rid of mold on solid surfaces. Porous and fabric materials might have to be thrown away to eliminate the mold. After the mold is cleaned, the basement should be dried out. Dehumidifiers work well for this task. According to basementsystems.com, the humidity level of basements should be kept below 60 percent to prevent mold growth.


    • If you are experiencing a large amount of mold growth, you should consider calling a professional service. Cleaning the mold by yourself puts you at risk of various health problems.