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Length of Time to Dry Out a Wet Basement

Clogged gutters, failed sump pumps and poor drainage can all cause wet basements, as can violent storms. The amount of time it takes to dry out a basement depends on the materials inside, but plan on many days of waiting and working at it.
  1. Floods

    • For deep floods, it's necessary to use a pump. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends against pumping a basement out too quickly, since the walls may collapse if the ground outside is still saturated. FEMA recommendations are to pump out one foot a day after the ground outside has no standing water. This may take several days. For smaller floods, use a shop vac to pick up all standing water and extract as much water from the carpet as possible. This will take hours, depending on the size of the basement.

    Damp Walls and Floors

    • If flood waters were dirty, carpet should be removed from the basement. Even if the homeowner wants to salvage the carpet, it will dry more quickly and create less humidity if it is dried outside or in a garage. Fans, open windows and dehumidifiers will speed the drying process. If wallboard, paneling or furniture was affected, expect drying for five days to one week. Use a moisture meter or hygrometer to see if walls and built-ins are completely dry. The ideal moisture content of walls is 15 percent or under.


    • Before the basement is dry, find the source of the problem and address to prevent future flooding. Check for overflowing gutters, a recent change in landscaping, poor drainage around windows, a leaking pipe, or condensation from uninsulated pipes. In a few cases, the underlying problem is poor drainage around the house. This requires excavation, the installation of new drains, and sometimes waterproofing the interior and exterior walls of a basement.