Home Garden

Sewage Water Removal

Blocked household plumbing pipes can lead to sewage backup. When sewage overflows into your home it can cause a multitude of problems, including exposure to viruses and disease. It's important to clean up sewage water quickly.
  1. Effects

    • According to the Environmental Protection Agency, some sewage-related illnesses include gastroenteritis, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, cholera and giardiasis. The airborne microorganisms can be inhaled or ingested after contact with the hands. An open cut or rash can become infected and swollen.


    • A sump pump can be used to pump the sewer water out and into a lower level away from your home. Many carpet cleaning companies can be called for emergency sewage water removal. A carpet cleaner will extract the water from your floors and carpets and dump it out of the home or office.


    • Sanitizing the area is necessary after cleanup to ensure that bacteria and viruses do not remain. Deodorizer is used to remove any lingering odors, and a dehumidifier will remove any moisture left in the air. Carpet is often removed to avoid the introduction of mold.

    Prevention and Solution

    • The best method of eliminating sewage water from seeping into your home is prevention. Avoid pouring grease into your sinks. Install drain traps to prevent hair from going down the drain. Do not flush a large amount of toilet paper, and dispose of feminine products in a trash bag.