Home Garden

How to Stop Mold After Water Damage to the Carpet

For a number of reasons, water can enter your house and soak your floors and carpets. Enter mold -- microscopic organisms that send spores floating in the air. Provided with moisture and food; that is, any organic matter such as carpets, wood, fabric and other home furnishings, the mold quickly grows and spreads. Mold is destructive and bad for your health. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that proper treatment of water damage within the first 24 to 48 hours is optimal for successful mold prevention.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Water hose
  • Wet/dry vacuum
  • Carpet steam cleaner
  • Bleach
  • Spray bottle
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Sponge or mop
  • Broom
  • Dehumidifier
  • Fans
  • Baking soda
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      Shovel and scoop any mud or debris from your carpet. Spray down with a water hose as you work to aid in collection of the trash. Take any furnishings, such as tables, chairs and couches, out of the room as well.

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      Suck up the water using a water extraction machine or wet/dry vacuum. Remove as much water as possible with the carpet in place and dispose of the water, as it may be contaminated with mold.

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      Pull up the carpeting present after removing debris and most of the water. Roll it up and remove it from the house, then pull up and remove the carpet padding beneath. Discard the soggy pad, as it tends to disintegrate with moisture. Save the carpet, to be cleaned and dried before replacement, as long as you can clean it within 48 hours and sewage water did not flood the floor, advises the University of California at Irvine.

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      Mix a solution of 1/4 to 1/2 cup bleach with a gallon of water and spray across the subflooring where flood waters were present, as well as any wood trim along the edge of the floor. Use this solution to kill mold and mold spores or sanitize when dirty, contaminated waters invaded your home, suggests the Minnesota Department of Health. Brush bleach water into cracks and crevices as well to thoroughly clean.

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      Mold grows on any organic material, given the right conditions.

      Sponge, mop or suck up any water residue left from disinfection or carpet removal. Avoid rinsing, instead allowing traces of bleach to dry in place. Run a dehumidifier and fans to quickly dry out the subfloor and woodwork, to prevent mold from growing or re-growing.

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      Clean any carpets you plan to reinstall, using a steam cleaner. Reinstall, then vacuum. Clean with a steam cleaner once again, then vacuum again, suggests UC Irvine. Continue running dehumidifiers and fans to speed carpet drying.

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      Monitor your carpets following the cleaning, noting if any musty smell arises. Combat this odor by sprinkling carpets with baking soda and working it into the carpet fibers with a brush or broom. Leave the baking soda overnight before vacuuming thoroughly to remove.