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If My Basement Flooded About a Month Ago, Whom Do I Contact About It?

Long vacations away from home, extended hospital stays or other periods of absence all leave open the possibility of flooding damage going unnoticed for a period of time. Understanding what to do when you discover a flooded basement can help you put your life back together.
  1. Safety Basics

    • Keep some basic safety guidelines in mind when you first discover a flooded basement. Avoid walking into a water-filled basement. Among the hazards in a flooded basement are electrical dangers and sewage. Also, wearing rubber gloves when handling any items affected by flooding is essential for health and safety purposes.

    First Contacts

    • Many possible causes exist for basement flooding, including sewer backups, flash flooding and general drainage issues. Call your insurance agent as soon as you discover flooding in your basement. He can talk to you about your coverage and your options for cleanup and replacement of damaged property, including everything from collectibles to carpet and drywall. Determining the cause of the flooding will be necessary to help you determine additional points of contact. For instance, your local sewer district should be notified when you believe flooding may be caused by a backed-up or damaged sewage line.

    Seeking Help

    • When you discover a flooded basement, you may also need to reach out to other contractors. You will likely need to replace any carpeting and possibly some drywall, depending on the extent of the flooding. Take into account the need to clean the damaged basement properly to fend off mold growth and to help make the area safe for your family and pets. Other professionals you may need to contact include electricians and plumbers. They can check if systems are functional and safe after a flood.


    • Take pictures of the damaged basement for your records and for the insurance company, which often limits the amount of coverage your policy provides for basement flooding, especially in high-risk flood zones. Discussing policy details and coverage limits with your insurance provider before a flood happens can help set your mind at ease and encourage you to take steps to protect the contents of your basement. For instance, understanding policy limitations and assessing your individual flood risk can help you make informed decisions on things such as finishing or furnishing your basement.