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How to Fix Wet Plywood Cabinets

Drying out wet plywood cabinets is necessary to maintain their shape and attractive look. This type of wood is thin veneers joined to form a durable, impact-resistant sheet of wood. Plywood is useful in construction and building decorative and functional furniture for homes, such as cabinets, bookcases and tables. Dealing with wet plywood is a time consuming project, but it is worth it to save the cabinetry.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Garden hose
  • Soft towels
  • Fans
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Mineral spirits
  • Carpenter's or wood glue
  • Clamps
  • Bucket
  • Non-sudsing household ammonia
  • Cream wood restorer with lanolin
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      Remove the plywood cabinets with a screwdriver if they were submerged in a flood. Wash off any debris or mud with a garden hose and dry them with soft towels.

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      Place the clean cabinets in a well-ventilated storage building, garage or other area where they can dry out of direct sunlight or anywhere near direct heat. This is important since direct sun or heat may cause warping.

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      Leave the cabinets in the area to dry for several weeks or even a few months. Open and shut doors and drawers periodically to ensure they continue to work properly.

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      Wipe off any mildew that grows on the cabinets with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits. Inspect the tops and bottoms of the plywood cabinets for mildew as well. It may be necessary to do this a few times over the drying period.

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      Repair any loose veneer by gluing it back in place with carpenter's or wood glue and clamping it together to secure it. If the cabinet has considerable damage that you cannot repair this way, contact a professional to restore it if it has sentimental value.

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      Remove cloudy films or white areas cause by the water damage by dipping a cloth into a bucket with equal parts non-sudsing household ammonia and water. Wring out the cloth and wipe off any cloudy or white areas.

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      Restore the shine and luster on the plywood cabinets by applying a wood restorer. Choose one that contains lanolin and is in a cream formula. Follow the directions on the label.