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How to Remove Stucco From a Porch

Stucco is a decorative exterior finishing technique that creates a textured appearance on walls and porches. Sometimes stucco is applied over brickwork, such as on a porch, and portions are chipped away to present an antique look. If you have a stucco porch that is deteriorating, or you have simply grown tired of the look, you can remove it. Removing stucco is a straightforward demolition process, but it creates a mess that requires quite a bit of clean up.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety glasses
  • Dust mask
  • Work gloves
  • Cold chisel
  • Hammer
  • Pry bar
  • Wire brush
  • Broom
  • Garden hose
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      Put on safety glasses, a dust mask and thick work gloves before starting the removal process.

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      Place the tip of a cold chisel onto the stucco at a 90-degree angle and tap the top of the chisel gently with a hammer until it chips away 1/2 inch of the stucco.

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      Raise the chisel handle upward until it is at a 45-degree angle to the wall and continue tapping the chisel with the hammer until a chunk of the stucco falls off on the ground.

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      Move the chisel downward to the bottom of the cracked-off area and slide it down as far behind the stucco as possible. Tap the chisel with one or two firm hits of the hammer to break off another chunk. Repeat the process to chip off all of the remaining stucco from the porch.

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      Remove the wooden boards, called lath, by inserting a pry bar behind them and pulling out away from the porch until they come free.

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      Brush the surface of the porch with a wire brush to remove any remaining stucco material that appears as a white powder on the surface.

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      Sweep up all of the removed stucco and lath using a push broom and place the material into a dumpster or the trash for disposal. Rinse off the porch with a garden hose to remove any remaining stucco dust.