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How to Remove Paint From Iron Porch Posts

Paint starts to flake off of iron porch posts, like other outdoor structures, and the iron starts to rust over time due to ice, rain and other weather elements. You must remove the old paint, as well as any rust, from the posts before repainting them. Failure to remove the paint will result in new layers of paint not adhering to the iron. New layers of paint will also peel off of any iron surface containing old paint and/or rust.

Things You'll Need

  • Water hose with sprayer
  • Chemical-resistant gloves
  • Bucket
  • Degreaser
  • Soft scrub brush
  • 200-grit or higher sandpaper
  • Safety goggles
  • Nose mask
  • Old towel or rag
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Paint tray
  • Chemical paint stripper
  • Paintbrush
  • Wire brush
  • Mineral spirits
  • 2 soft cloths
  • Primer: aerosol designed for metal
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  1. Preparation

    • 1

      Remove any chairs and other furnishings from close to or near the iron porch posts. Spray the posts with water to remove any loose dust and dirt from the metal. Wear chemical-resistant gloves to protect your hands from debris, cleaning solution and chemical paint stripper.

    • 2

      Mix in a bucket 1 cup of degreaser and 1/2 gallon of water. Stir the mixture with a soft scrub brush. Apply the mixture to one of your iron porch posts and scrub the post thoroughly to remove any caked-on debris, loose paint and rust.

    • 3

      Spray the post again with water to remove the mixture and debris. Sand any rust from the post with a piece of 200-grit or higher sandpaper. Wear safety goggles and a nose mask to keep debris out of your eyes and lungs. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for additional iron posts.

    • 4

      Dry the posts with an old towel or rag. Place plastic sheeting under each iron porch post to protect the flooring under the posts.

    Paint Removal

    • 5

      Fill a paint tray with a chemical paint stripper. Use a paintbrush to apply the chemical to one post. The paint stripper will start breaking down the paint and removing it, and the paint chips will fall onto the plastic sheeting. Follow any and all safety recommendations on the chemical’s container.

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      Scrub the post with a wire brush to remove any stubborn paint and rust. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for additional iron posts.

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      Pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of mineral spirits onto a soft cloth. Wipe each post with the damp cloth to remove any paint residue. Change out the cloth when it becomes too soiled.

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      Let the posts air dry completely before spraying them with an aerosol primer designed for metal. Primer keeps the iron posts from rusting and prepares them for paint.