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How to Make the Interior Window & Door Trim Look Wider

If you have narrow windows and doors, replacing them is a costly option that requires cutting into the framing of your house and most likely the services of a professional contractor. Instead of going to this extent, play with a few visual tricks that use how the eye perceives color and space to make these areas seem wider than they are. You can accomplish this effect in just a few hours.

Things You'll Need

  • Interior latex paint semi-gloss
  • Paint brush
  • Curtain rod brackets
  • Cordless screwdriver
  • Horizontal blinds
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      Paint the trim of the doors and windows with a light-colored latex paint in semi-gloss. Choose white or ivory. Dark wood trim can close in doors and windows.

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      Paint the surrounding wall a few shades darker than the trim. This provides a visual depth of field and makes the trim on the doors and windows stand out.

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      Paint the door a light color with semi-gloss latex paint. Use the same shade as the trim, or go a shade or two darker.

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      Install curtain rod or blind brackets, using a cordless screwdriver, two inches out from the sides of the window trim. This will add an extra four inches of visual space around the window trim.

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      Hang horizontal window blinds or drapes with a horizontal stripe. These draw the eye to the width of the stripe and makes the window seem wider.