Home Garden

Serene Colors for a Reading Room

Create a serene reading nook by featuring colors that promote calmness and relaxation. Choose ocean, forest or other relaxing themes that allow you to embrace a variety of calming colors pictured in ocean sunsets and plant life. You can also keep the room simple by featuring one or two main colors and including decor pieces that complement your color choices.
  1. Blues

    • The right shades of blue have calming effect that can create a peaceful atmosphere within your reading room. Medium blues mimic the color of the sky and you can even paint white fluffy clouds in various places over blue, if you want to totally simulate the sky in your room. Medium blue with white trim or white crown molding accents have a clean, sophisticated effect. You can also feature lighter shade of blue, such as baby blue or blue colors with a hint of green. Teal has a greenish blue look that can go well in an ocean-themed reading room. A blue-inspired reading nook can feature plush couches with soft blue and white pillows, cobalt blue bottles, ocean treasures and blue flowers throughout the room.

    Pastel Purple, Pink and Yellow

    • The combination of pastel pink, purple and hints of yellow can also create a serene sunset-like reading area within your home. You can paint one main sunset wall with a mixture of these colors. A small golden yellow sun tucked within the folds of purple, pink and yellow adds peace and light to the mural. You can also paint the walls lavender and then decorate the rest of the room with pink, purple and yellow decor accents such as rugs, vases, flowers and plush pillows. Paint your bookcase lavender and then dress up the top with vases filled with pink and purple flowers or stalks of lavender.

    Sage and White

    • Sage green paired with white has a modern, earthy feel that can turn the reading area into a peaceful corner of your home. Paint the walls with sage and then feature white accents such and crown molding, vases, pottery and decor. Sage goes well in a room that already has white trim. Add additional layers of green to the room by featuring large plants in the corner or placing small plants on end tables.

    Pastel Green with Medium Purple

    • Both pastel green and medium purple blend well in a reading room while also creating contrast. Paint the walls pastel green and then decorate with medium purple, rugs, pillows, lamps, couches and accessories. You can also paint purple flowers along the top border of the room or paint the walls purple and then decorate with green flowers, pillows and couches.