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How to Creatively Paint Furniture

Transform a dated piece of furniture with paint, artisan tools and a bit of creative spark for a brand new look. Choose a palette of three to four paint colors to use throughout the piece. Change hardware and use stencils, paint markers and even plaster to add whimsy and artistic flair to your new piece of furniture. Don't forget to protect your creative works by adding a clear coat of polyurethane to the project when finished.


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      Prepare the furniture by wiping down the entire surface with a damp towel. Scrub off any grease or grime with a mesh brush and light soap. Remove all hardware. Lightly sand the entire piece of furniture using sandpaper and wipe away dust with a towel.

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      Paint the basecoat of the furniture. The basecoat will be the underlying color. Use satin latex paint and mini roller. Apply paint to hard-to-reach crevices using a small paint brush. Allow to dry.

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      Add stripes, flowers and additional freehand designs with different color craft paints and brushes. Stencils may add specialized, intricate designs. Use super glue for additional collage elements such as vintage buttons, beads and charms.

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      Use posters, calendar pictures, or even vinyl lettering for additional decorative effects. Textured wallpaper replicating ceiling tin can be glued to the side of large cabinetry and painted.

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      Add inspirational sayings to the furniture using a fine tip calligraphy permanent paint marker or paint stamps. If the furniture is a gift, choose sayings personal and memorable to the one receiving your new creation.

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      Stamp on circles, polka dots, stars and other elements with foam stamps. The stamps are commonly found in the decorative painting or scrapbooking section of arts and craft stores.

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      Cut out paper birds, flowers or other forms from decorative scrapbooking papers. Add these elements onto your furniture with glue. Rub over the entire surface with a light stain to give all added decorative elements depth.