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How to Decorate Around an Ugly Couch

Decorating with the right fabrics, colors and artwork around an ugly couch detracts from the eyesore and directs the eye to more pleasing decor. The key is to minimize the ugly upholstery fabric by drawing attention away from the unappealing color or pattern. Many people have this predicament because the homely couch was a gift and they cannot afford a replacement. Other people buy a new couch and after a few weeks decide that it doesn't work in their home, but they cannot return it to the store.

Things You'll Need

  • Wall paint
  • Throw, quilt or afghan
  • Wall art
  • Flower arrangements, sculptures or other decor
  • Throw pillows
  • Decorative lamp
  • Rug
  • Draperies
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      Look at the couch to determine what colors you can use so it does not become the focus of the room. If the couch has a neutral color, this is not complicated to do. A couch with a pattern in it makes the decorating a bit more challenging. Select a color in the pattern that is the least offensive and use this in much of your decor.

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      Pick a paint color for your walls that draws the eye away from the couch. For instance, if the couch is sage green with a brown and ivory pattern, do not paint the wall green. Use a taupe or ivory color instead.

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      Lay a throw, quilt or afghan over the back of the couch so that it covers most of the upholstery on the seat back. Use one with a print that accentuates the look you desire in the room if the couch is a solid color. For instance, if you prefer a country style and have an ugly tan couch, use an old-fashioned quilt in blue and white or other colors that complement the room decor. If the couch is green with a burgundy and cream colored pattern, choose a solid burgundy or cream throw to cover much of the pattern, yet still coordinates with the couch.

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      Highlight the focal point in the room so it really pops, thus drawing attention away from the ugly couch. A sofa is typically the largest piece of furniture in a room and it is positioned so it faces the focal point. If the focal point is a fireplace, invest in a breathtaking painting or other artwork to draw attention to the area above the mantel. If the TV or media center is the focus of the room, place attractive and interesting flower arrangements, sculptures or other decor near the space.

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      Pick throw pillows in a pleasing design that coordinates with the ugly couch, yet serves to hide much of the upholstery along with the throw. Select attractive pillows with prints if the couch is a solid color. Choose pillows with a solid color and embellishment, such as an interesting fringe or trim, if the couch has a patterned fabric.

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      Add decorative lamps to the end tables beside the ugly couch. The right lamps detract the eye from the offensive couch's style and fabric.

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      Position a rug directly in front of the couch. Use a solid, coordinating color or a large print if the couch is a solid colored fabric. An interesting rug pulls the eye away from the sofa.

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      Hang a bold piece of wrought iron scroll work or other large wall art behind the sofa. The eye will be drawn to the artwork, not the sofa.

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      Pick draperies in a color that is darker or lighter than the wall color. This keeps the eye flowing around the room and detracts from the hideous couch.