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How to Decorate a Gabled Ceiling

Gabled ceilings can certainly present a problem when you begin to decorate your room, but instead of being unhappy with the ceiling, be glad that you have an interesting palette for your decor. There are several different ways to deal with a gabled ceiling, so choose whether you'd like the focus to be on the ceiling or the space beneath it. Once this decision is made, appropriate decorating can begin.

Things You'll Need

  • Sunlights
  • Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Chair, desk or child's bed
  • Curtain rods
  • Curtains
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      Use sunlights in the gabled ceiling. Installing sunlights in the ceiling adds light to the room, making it appear airy and comfortable. Position the sunlights so the beams of light from the windows focus on key areas of the room. For instance, a sunlight in the kitchen might focus on the sink, while the one in a bedroom may focus on a window seat or other sitting area.

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      Paint a mural on the gabled ceiling. Painting a sky scene--with a sky blue background, fluffy white clouds and a few birds flitting about--can give the room an open feeling and increase the room's usability. Gables forcefully remove some of the space from the room; a mural that opens the space back up can be very beneficial.

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      Use the space beneath the gables for key pieces of furniture. Placing a child's bed, small work desk or comfortable chair beneath the gable allows you to use the space while creating a comfortable nook. Remember to place desks and chairs far enough away from the wall that you can sit and stand without hitting your head.

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      Install a set of curtains at the joint of the gabled ceiling to create a private area that can be closed off at will. Choose floor length curtains of a heavy material for added privacy. Selecting an ornate curtain rod gives the area more character.