Home Garden

How to Check a Microwave Seal

Microwave ovens rose in popularity through the 1980s and today are present in homes, restaurants, stores and offices. The safety of microwave ovens, which use microwave radiation to cook food, has long been a concern for owners and users alike. Faulty or old door seals can cause microwaves to leak radiation, posing a health hazard to those around the unit. Checking your microwave oven's seal regularly decreases the health risks of using this appliance in your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Rags
  • Soapy water
  • Cup of water
  • Microwave test unit
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      Clean the microwave oven thoroughly, paying special attention to areas around the door. Burned food, food crumbs and leftover debris can all get trapped in the microwave oven door's seal, causing the seal to function poorly. Wipe down the ventilation areas with a damp rag, removing any debris. Inspect the seal for tears or damage.

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      Close the microwave oven door and visually inspect the seal for broken, torn or warped areas. If the seal exhibits signs of wear, contact an authorized repair center for replacement.

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      Place a cup of water in the microwave and turn the unit on. Run the wand of the FDA-approved meter around the door seal and around the vents or openings in the microwave. If a high reading is detected, shut off the microwave immediately and contact an authorized repair service. Do not use the microwave until it is repaired.