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How to Use a Humidifier to Dehumidify

If you suffer from dry skin, a dry nose or a dry throat, a humidifier could provide some relief. A humidifier is a machine that disperses water into the air in order to add moisture to it. While many humidifiers are approved by the U.S. government for safe use in homes, the Environmental Protection Agency has warned that over-using a humidifier could lead to too much moisture in the air and, as a result, lead to the growth of organisms such as dust mites and molds.

Things You'll Need

  • Distilled water
  • Dry cloth
  • Disinfectant
  • Scrubber
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    • 1

      Place the humidifier on a flat surface. Do not plug the machine into the wall until after you have poured the water in the tank.

    • 2

      Pour distilled water into the humidifier's water tank, according to the specific humidifier's instructions. Do not fill over the water line.

    • 3

      Close the cover of the water tank.

    • 4

      Wipe down the humidifier with a clean, dry cloth to remove any dampness on the machine.

    • 5

      Plug the machine into the power outlet. Turn on the humidifier.