Home Garden

How to Use Water Crystals

Water crystals, or aqua crystals, are decorative as well as useful. They allow you to wait longer periods of time to water your plants or flowers when mixed in with soil, or used on their own. There are colored variations with decorative qualities as well. Water crystals can be used for special occasions, such as wedding centerpieces, or for all of your houseplants. They can last up to two years if water is regularly replenished.

Things You'll Need

  • Vase or container
  • Plant or flowers (optional)
  • Water crystals
  • Water
  • Decorative accessories
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    • 1

      Select a container or vase for your plant, flowers or decorative project. A clear vase will allow the crystals to show for decorative purposes.

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      Add crystals to the container. If you're planting in soil, mix the soil and crystals together. Read the instructions on the crystals to mix the correct percentage of crystals in with the soil.

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      Plant your plant or place the flowers in the crystals. Arrange them the way you'd like.

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      Add water. The crystals will swell and become a gel as they fill with water. If you're using live plants or flowers, they will absorb the water they need from the crystals.

    • 5

      Pour fresh water in the container or plant every week or two to replenish the water used.

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      Arrange candles or other decorative accessories around the crystals if you wish.