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How to Size an Air Conditioner for an Office

Air conditioning units are rated for cooling power in British thermal units (BTUs). To determine the right size air conditioner for cooling an office, you'll need to measure the square footage of the office space and compare that figure with the ratings on different air conditioners when you shop for the appliance. Generally, the higher the BTU rating, the larger the space the air conditioner can cool. There are other factors that can affect a unit's cooling power, such as windows and direct sunlight, which you must also consider.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
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    • 1

      Measure the length and width of the office space to be cooled using a tape measure.

    • 2

      Multiply the two figures to get the square footage of the office. For example, 20 feet wide by 15 feet long equals 300 square feet.

    • 3

      Match the ratings printed on air conditioners you are considering for purchase against the square feet of your office. For example, air conditioners rated at 9,000 to 10,500 BTUs typically produce enough cooling power for a 300 square-foot office.

    • 4

      Add 1,000 to 2,000 BTUs to your basic power requirement for offices with large windows or offices with exterior walls in direct sunlight. These spaces require additional cooling power so the air conditioner does not have to run all the time at maximum power.