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How to Grow Burpeeana Early Seeds

Burpeeana Early is a pea cultivar exclusively produced by the Burpee company. It is an early variety of pea plant that takes approximately 63 days to mature. The 3-inch pods each hold about eight to 10 peas. Proper care, as well as planting these seeds at the correct time, will help ensure an abundant harvest of these little green vegetables.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic matter
  • Hoe
  • Straw
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      Determine the correct planting date by counting backwards four to six weeks from the last anticipated frost of springtime in your area. Unlike many warm-season vegetables, this variety of early pea survives spring frosts and grows best in cool conditions.

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      Prepare a planting site for these early peas in a sunny location in your garden site. In very hot areas of the South, choose a location that provides a little shade during the heat of the afternoon hours.

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      Spread a 1-inch layer of organic matter, such as dried manure or vegetative compost, over the surface of the planting site. Use a hoe to work the amendment into the top 6 to 8 inches of topsoil. Break up or toss out any hard clumps of soil. Remove uprooted weeds or ground covers from the site.

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      Create a shallow trench about 12 inches wide and 2 inches deep. Although this variety of pea grows well along a fencing support, planting them in thick rows allows them to support one another, eliminating the need for fencing or trellising. Scatter the seeds evenly over the trench, placing about one seed for every 2 inches of soil space. Cover the seeds with 2 inches of soil and tamp down the surface with your flat palms.

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      Spread a thin covering of fresh straw over the surface of the planted peas to help shade the soil and hold in moisture.

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      Sprinkle water over the new seeds, applying about 1/2 inch of water over the entire trench. Check the soil every few days to check for dampness. Although the surface may dry out between watering sessions, the soil should feel slightly damp when you insert your fingertip about an inch below the surface.

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      Remove weeds from the area surrounding the pea plants as the peas grow and mature. These peas are ready for harvesting about two months after planting. Pluck the ripe pods from their stems and use in salads, soups and other culinary dishes.