Home Garden

How to Plant Vegetables With Preen

Preen is a product line produced by the Lebanon Seaboard Corporation that offers a variety of products to eliminate weeds in the home landscape. Their Preen Vegetable Garden Weed Preventer is an organic option that safely eliminates weeds in vegetable gardens, thus reducing the amount of work required in tending the crop. Preen Vegetable Garden Weed Preventer is safe to use on edible plants and is not toxic to pets and children even immediately after application.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • Hose or sprinkler
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      Weed by hand the entire garden area to remove all undesirable plants. Preen Vegetable Garden Weed Preventer does not kill existing weeds, so they will continue to grow if you do not remove them.

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      Plant the vegetables as desired, using the spacing and depth requirements specified on the plant labels. If you are planting vegetable seeds, wait until the vegetables are at least 2 inches high before applying the Preen Vegetable Garden Weed Preventer. The product works by inhibiting seed germination and will prevent vegetable seeds from sprouting.

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      Sprinkle the Preen Vegetable Garden Weed Preventer granules over the entire vegetable garden at a rate of 5 lb. for every 250 square feet of garden area. If you have an area that is particularly prone to weeds or grass, you can safely double the amount that you apply.

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      Drag a rake across all soil areas in the garden to mix the Preen product lightly into the top 1/4 inch of the soil. Use care so that you do not damage vegetables or their root systems.

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      Water the entire vegetable garden with a hose or sprinklers until the ground is damp to a 1- or 2-inch depth.

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      Reapply the Preen Vegetable Garden Weed Preventer every four to six weeks until harvest.