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How to Plant Vegetable Transplants With Preen

A vegetable garden can give you delicious vegetables to enjoy throughout the harvest season, but weeds can make maintenance a chore. Preen is a commercial weed killer that is safe to use around your vegetable plants. It bonds with the soil or mulch, creating a barrier that prevents weeds from growing. You can use Preen at any stage of the gardening process, but for best results, you should use it as soon as you plant your vegetable transplants.

Things You'll Need

  • Vegetable transplants
  • Small shovel
  • Preen
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    • 1

      Dig a hole where you want to put the transplant. The hole should be twice as wide as the transplant and as deep as its current root system.

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      Turn the transplant container upside down and squeeze the plastic to remove the plant. Take care not to disrupt the root system. If you're using transplants that come in biodegradable containers, you can skip this step.

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      Place the transplant in the hole.

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      Fill in the space around the plant with soil and pat it firmly into the ground.

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      Repeat for all of your vegetable transplants, following any guidelines for spacing between specific plants.

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      Spread mulch around the plants if desired.

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      Sprinkle Preen around the soil. Use approximately 1 oz. per 10 square feet. The small balls should be about 1/2-inch apart. Avoid applying Preen to the vegetable plant leaves.

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      Water your garden. This bonds the Preen to the soil for weed prevention.