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How to Grow Cucumbers for Kids

Planting a garden with your children helps them learn how plants grow and entices them to eat their vegetables. Cucumbers are one of the best vegetables for kids to plant because they grow quickly and require very little maintenance, making them perfect for little gardners. Fresh cucumbers can be added to a salad, eaten as a snack or made into pickles for sandwiches or a simple treat.

Things You'll Need

  • Cucumber seeds
  • Potting soil
  • Garden rake
  • Melted wax
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  1. Planting Cucumber Seeds

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      Plant two or three cucumber seeds in a paper pot filled with potting soil and water lightly. Allow the seeds to grow indoors until they sprout and are ready to be transplanted in the garden. Paper pots are found at most local garden centers.

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      Clear a space in the vegetable garden to plant the cucumbers that does not hold a lot of water and gets a lot of sunlight. Use a garden rake to make sure the soil is free of weeds and to mix in compost or manure to improve the quality of the soil.

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      Plant the paper pots directly into the garden once the cucumber plants have sprouted and small leaves have started to grow. To plant, dig a hole in the ground approximately the size of the pot and place the pot directly in the ground. Cover the top of the pot with a layer of soil.

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      Water the cucumbers daily. Regularly weed the garden. Remove any cucumber beetles, black and yellow beetles that fly from plant to plant and feeds on the leaves, flowers and fruit.

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      Pick cucumbers from the vine when they have grown to be at least 2 inches long. Different varieties of cucumbers are best at different lengths, so be sure to read the seed packet to determine the best length for your particular cucumbers.