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Rock Garden Planning

Rock gardens are a favorite for plant collectors. They provide a wonderful chance to showcase small, delicate flowers, and are the perfect gardening solution for difficult places, such as small garden areas.
  1. Site Selection

    • Most rock gardens use plants that need full sun and good drainage. As a result, the ideal site for the typical rock garden is sunny, and has well-draining, somewhat sandy soil. Flexibility in plant types can make other sites feasible, such as those in partial shade.

    Plant Selection

    • Succulents and alpine plants make up the typical choices for a rock garden. Sedums, sempervivums such as hens and chicks, and houseleeks are common succulents. Alpine flowers include some primulas, achilliums and allysas. All tend to prefer dry environments, are low-growing and do well in poor soils, making them ideal for rock gardens. Selecting a mix of flowering and foliage plants creates the most appealing garden.

    Hardscaping Selection

    • The selection of rocks plays as vital a role in the appearance and performance of a rock garden as the site itself. You can use only the rocks that are available on-site, or bring in additional rocks. Generally, a mix of different sizes allows for drainage, creates interesting texture and makes different garden configurations possible. Rocks can be paired with other hardscaping features for additional interest and design flexibility. Landscape timbers, for instance, as well as fountains, furnishings or planters can be added.