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Japanese Rock Garden Plants

Japanese rock gardens are traditionally dry landscape gardens. Designed for meditation, they are walled in to eliminate distractions. The sand, or raked gravel, and stone are typically positioned in such a way that they resemble nature--streams or waterfalls--or symbolize famous Japanese battles. Few plants are used in rock gardens because they are considered distracting.
  1. Shrubs

    • Small shrubs can form the perimeter of the Japanese rock garden at the wall or provide a change in texture. These shrubs are low-maintenance and do not require abundant water or care. Too much water would ruin a Japanese rock garden by creating mud. Typically, the Japanese observe the rock garden from a terrace and do not enter the garden, so as to preserve the delicate landscaping.


    • Ferns allow a bit of foliage and color in the rock garden without taking up too much space or requiring a lot of care to thrive. Ferns are placed in corners of the garden or in the curves of raked gravel or rocks to provide a contrast or draw attention to the patterns in the gravel or rocks. Ferns are used sparingly in Japanese rock gardens, usually only two or three at the most in a large garden.


    • Moss is common in a Japanese rock garden because it occurs naturally on rocks. Moss provides a natural, authentic feel while maintaining the minimalist qualities of the rock garden. Moss adds depth and emphasizes the structure of the garden without overwhelming the intricate designs of the rocks and gravel. Like other plants, moss is used sparingly in Japanese rock gardens, but more than other plants.