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How to Keep Diseases & Bugs off Flowers

Not everyone is cut out to grow a successful flower garden and, as those people who possess the gift of a green thumb know, growing the plants is only half the battle. One of the more time-consuming parts of gardening is keeping plants free from diseases and bugs. Fortunately for individuals with a keen eye and who are willing to spend time protecting their plants, it is possible to grow a healthy, disease- and pest-free garden. When used in tandem, natural and chemical treatments for diseases and bugs ensure that plants are protected.

Things You'll Need

  • Disease- and insect-resistant plants
  • Disinfectant
  • High-pressure water spray device
  • Insect traps
  • Fungicide
  • Insecticide
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      Select kinds of flowering plants that are hardy and less susceptible than other flowering plants to diseases and insect infestation. Some plants are harder to grow than others because they attract diseases and/or pests. Before planting a flower garden, do research to ensure you select plants that are suitable for the climate and insects in your area. If, for example, a plant is susceptible to powdery mildew and your climate is very humid, then that plant isn't the best choice for your garden.

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      Avoid overcrowding the plants in the garden. Overcrowding creates humidity, which is a primary cause of diseases such as plant rot and mold. Overcrowding also allows a disease or insect infestation that affects one plant to spread easily to nearby plants.

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      Check your plants closely for leaf browning, plant rot, discoloration and other unnatural characteristics. If a disease or pest is identified early, it may be possible to reverse the damage it caused. Otherwise, all the plants may be harmed beyond repair.

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      Apply natural remedies to repel insects and prevent diseases. Prevent diseases by removing plant debris, keeping the garden area clean. Disinfect garden tools, and avoid planting the same kinds of plants together. Prevent insects by using a high-pressure water spray to remove them from plants. Set up insect traps in or near the garden, and handpick insects and their eggs directly from plants.

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      Apply fungicide and insecticide if necessary to control diseases and pests that affect your plants.